Have you ever looked in your closet and thought, if only I had more clarinet-related apparel? If so, Clarinet-Now.com is here to help, with a selection of items including a Richard Mühlfeld/Brahms T-shirt and clarinet high-top shoes available through the Clarinet-Now Zazzle Store. For even more clarinet-related gifts, check out this page. Normally we try to keep commercialism to a minimum here on Clarinet Cache, but we couldn't help but tell you about this site, because it offers much more than just these products.
Clarinet-Now.com was created by Christopher Jones, a clarinetist in the Greater Hudson Valley area of New York State and student of Kalmen Opperman. The site has many inspirational strategies and tips for sight-reading, scales, crossing the break, and more, with great photos of correct and incorrect embouchure and hand position. The numerous ads are somewhat distracting, but the content of the site is useful, especially for beginners (and their parents), and teachers looking for a new way to explain specific aspects of clarinet technique. Keep up with the latest on the Clarinet-Now blog.